Welcome to part one of a three-part series titled - Men on Fire: What Am I Asking A Man To do? This episode is also on YouTube - https://youtu.be/UUdICdnI_PI
Ladies think about that for a second. Men are considered to be the priest, protectors, and providers of the home. If he is doing all of this, what more do you want out of him?
So my questions for the men are:
For the women:
Well, join us in part one of this series as we (Eric, Big O, Izzy, Tamika, Fatty, Corey, and Bazz) discuss some of the bullet points above. Also, this is our very first streaming episode. You can see it here https://youtu.be/UUdICdnI_PI. We want to apologize in advance - you can't hear Bazz that well...first-time mic mistakes. MSO promises the next one will be on point.