Welcome to Men Speaking Out
June 13, 2020

I Can't Breathe Part 2: Perspectives of The Black and Blue

Join MSO as we hit on topics that deal with the racial divide in America. Discussing: How do we feel about excessive force used by some law enforcement?  What punishment should be applied to the four officers who took George Floyd's life? Will their punishment be an example for police departments around the nation moving forward? Are you willing to speak up against racism or remain complacent?  

We also discuss recent events pertaining to:

  • Protests around the world against social injustice.
  • COVID-19 pandemic potentially spiking with these protests.
  • Drew Brees's recent comments and responses from professional athletes.  
  • What Colin Kapernick meant by kneeling against the social injustice against people of color and the NFL.
  • The removal of confederate statues across the nation.
  •  And much more. 

I am joined by some old high school buddies of mine (Freddie, Jamey and Patrick) who went to school with me in Europe. They give me their perspectives on all the topics above. Not only was this a great podcast, but also a nice mini-reunion among friends of 30+ years.